This course explores the evolution of new communication technologies how they are integrated into society by the media, and how they end up changing our lives. It is an introduction to blogging, Twitter, Facebook, and other social networking tools used by journalists to report, produce and deliver the news across multiple platforms. It examines the challenges of establishing credibility of social media sources and user-generated content. Students gain visual literacy and learn basic principles of user-interface design. They also learn basic techniques for data analysis and visualization. Students learn the basics of Social Media, Networked Media, Hardware Hacking and Design, Realtime Software Analysis Engines, Digital Maps, Wireless Technology, iOS and Android Design for Mobile Devices and implementation, Interactive Timelines and Archiving Software, and more.
Semesters and Institutions Taught:
Lehman College – Journalism, Communication, Theatre – Spring 2015
During this class I ran a hardware hacking workshop for two class sessions where students got a chance to take apart electronics and design new interfaces for sound. See video: